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Strengthen Territorial Relationships Of Networks providing Guidance for Emancipation of Residents


Green, digital and demographic transitions are significantly changing the labour market. The pandemic has had a strong impact on the labour market, on occupations and on the career paths of citizens around the world.

In these contexts, many youths have lost their jobs and now need to acquire new skills or enhance existing skills to find employment. Others are considering a career transition and need to retrain to achieve their new career goals. The skills sought by companies are not always matched by the skills available to job seekers.

This is partly due to the lack of cooperation and coordination at different levels between guidance, education, and enterprise actors and the fragmentation of training, employment and guidance policies. In view of these needs, the motivation of STRONGER is to match skills and labour market needs by strengthening cooperation between enterprises and education actors and public and private actors through creating a one-stop-shop multi-stakeholder ecosystem to address guidance challenges and support youth navigate their skills development paths and careers.


The general objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of organizations supporting young citizens in building professional pathways, by fostering the creation of a local integrated multi-stakeholders ecosystem addressing common lifelong guidance challenges. To achieve this objective, these specific objectives have been defined.


Applying this project will provide a complete ecosystem decreasing the fragmentation of the sectors, and contributing to the existence of a sustainable network of organisations across the EU through one-stop-shops across different regions in the

EU not only during the project, but in the medium term, enhancing the cooperation among organisations, build capacities of the youth workers and professionals, and provide youth with sustainable support to follow their desired career path. Moreover, the cross-country local mapping and needs analysis using the Cité des métiers methodology will provide an accurate state of art regarding the needs of youth around Europe.

This ecosystem and local mapping will support partners to acknowledge existing practices and innovative tools needed by the target groups in different economies, contributing to the definition of future projects’ territorial scale of actions.