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Our aim is to create successful one-stop shops in employment, education and youth inclusion, through experiments inspired by international best practices and the innovative methodology of a Parisian Cité des Métiers.

last news

project timeline

6th November 2023
PRE-Kick Off · Virtual meeting
18th December 2023
STRONGER · Virtual meeting
29th January 2024
All together at the kick off meeting in Paris at the headquarters of Ani International.
We are happy to have met all the partners of the STRONGER project and to have started the first working activities.
30th January 2024
Visit to the "Cité des métiers de Paris"

After the first day of the project kick-off, three days of training were held at some of the most important "Cité des Métiers": the "Cité des Métiers of Villette", "Cité des Métiers of ST-Quentin-en-Yveslines" and "Cité des Métiers Val-de-Marne". Project partners met with label managers to learn about their organization and management.

30th January 2024

On January 30th, project partners were received at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie of Paris for the first day of the training session. The place hold the first Cité des métiers ever developed as well as the organisation that guarantees that all the Cités des métiers labelled are applying the principles of the chart. Thanks to the Label Authority representative, Sylvie Sesma, partners learned about the history and framework of the concept as well as the labelling process. Thanks to a visit of the Cité des Métier of Paris, they saw a concrete application of the principles and key elements of the chart.

31th January 2024

Last February 2, the Partners of the Stronger Project held a morning of training at the "Cité des Métiers in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines", an open and collective space conducive to doing things together and collaborating.

The "Cité des Métiers in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines" positions itself as the "third place for permanent professional development". It brings together institutional and independent partners to offer an adequate, free and quality service to answer anyone who has questions about their professional project.

31th January 2024

The Partners of the Stronger Project spent an intense afternoon at the "Cité des métiers du Val de Marne", an important point of reference in the area for informing and supporting citizens on professions and professional life.

The "Cité des métiers du Val de Marne" is organized over more than 1000 m², dedicated to the professional success of our partners and our public.

Every day, with the support of qualified people, it offers a series of tools, resources and contacts to help and move forward in choices regarding possible professional opportunities.

1st February 2024
Visit to the exhibition areas of the "Cité des sciences et de l'industrie"
2nd February 2024
CLOSED Kick Off meeting
15th of March
Workshop with stakeholders in Madrid

On the 15th of March a workshop with stakeholders was held in Madrid with the aim of presenting the STRONGER project and, above all, the methodology of Cité des Metiérs and its applicability in the Madrid context. Eight people participated and we were able to discuss and assess the added value of this methodology and the limitations and barriers it might have in the context of Madrid. The participants were very active and contributed numerous opinions and points of view that contribute to the achievement of the project's objectives.

19th March 2024
The Focus Group with Stakeholders at Social Science Department University of Naples Federico II

We're thrilled to share that the Focus Group, hosted by Città della Scienza in partnership with the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II, was a resounding success! 
During this engaging session, we delved deep into crucial topics such as:
🔹 Challenges and opportunities within the Campania employment landscape
🔹 Empowering young minds with the necessary skills for the evolving job market
🔹 Exploring future trends and potential policy directions
A huge shoutout to our esteemed stakeholders - Amalia Caputo, Mirella Paolillo, Lello Savonardo, Rosanna Marino, Andrea De Rosa, Michele De Luca, Lucia Esposito, and Antonella Ciaramella - for their invaluable contributions and insights! 
This event marks an important milestone in our journey, as it aligns with the objectives of WP2 of the "STRONGER" project (2024/2025). Our mission? To pioneer local experiments aimed at establishing integrated multi-partner ecosystems, fostering employment, education, and inclusion opportunities for our youth. 
Huge thanks to all the participants for their lively engagement and shared experiences! Let's continue to work together towards a brighter, more inclusive future!

26th April 2024
Focus Group with local stakeholders in France

On 26th April ANI met the Local Institutions involved in Youth policies in Montreuil, a city close to Paris!
During the workshop an interesting exhange was done, in order to begin an analysis of the territory. Young people's needs and local actors involved in youth field were identified.

We would like to thank: Montreuil Library, Montreuil Local Mission, Maison de l'Emploi in Bagnolet, Jeunesse Information Point in Montreuil and public territorial body Est Ensemble for their contributions and participation!

8th May 2024
The focus gruop created by Redial

In our focus group we talked about:
- What it's like to find work in Dublin.
- Helping young people get ready for jobs that are always changing.
- How we can adapt Cite de Metiers methodology in Ireland


No Events


strengthen territorial relationships of networks providing guidance for emancipation of residents


The motivation of STRONGER is to match skills and labour market needs by strengthening cooperation between enterprises and education actors and public and private actors through creating a one-stop-shop multi-stakeholder ecosystem to address guidance challenges and support youth navigate their skills development paths and careers.


The general objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of organizations supporting young citizens in building professional pathways, by fostering the creation of a local integrated multi-stakeholders ecosystem addressing common lifelong guidance challenges.


Applying this project will provide a complete ecosystem decreasing the fragmentation of the sectors, and contributing to the existence of a sustainable network of organisations across the EU through one-stop-shops across different regions in the EU not only during the project, but in the medium term, enhancing the cooperation among organisations, build capacities of the youth workers and professionals, and provide youth with sustainable support to follow their desired career path.

all togheter we are stronger!


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